Sunday, May 24, 2009

Albert, your diet lies here

*Disclaimer* I'm not a certified dietitian or physical trainer nor do I pose to be. This is strictly my genuine layout for what a diet should be for an active person wishing to gain weight with weight training.

That being said Albert I will destroy my own disclaimer here we go, Rule #1... I am always right. Rule #2 You will obey. Rule #3.. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Here I'll show you how the human body adapts to certain foods whether it be in a positive light or negative. My first post is to show how to gain weight rapidly while at the same time do it in a safe manner.

3 key components:
1. Proteins: Every workout diet should consist of a healthy plan of proteins. How much do you need? This question has been in debate for as far as I remember, but with experimentation and documenting by numerous health experts the desirable amount of protein intake daily is .9 grams to every lb. If you weigh 150 lbs, your intake for protein should be at about 135 grams of protein. Now... where do you get those proteins if meals are not sufficient to meet those requirements? Protein shakes. When I was in my bodybuilding phase after high school ended I had my success with whey protein. I find has the best in line and for cheap deals as well. You can find the protein here:
If working out your protein powder intake should be about 3-4 times per day. Once you wake up you should mix a well rounded scoop with a full cup of water or milk to start your day. Your body has been in a long drought deprived of nutrients during sleep, nourish it fast by having a glass of protein shake. That's the great thing about whey protein too, is that your body absorbs the protein fast. The next intake should come after lunch when you're fixing for a snack. When you're working out have a pre-workout protein shake 15 minutes before you hit the gym and immediately after you finish the workout. At night before you go to sleep it's important that you have yourself a protein shake. However, you will need a different kind of shake because this is one that will prepare your body for the long 8 hour sleep ahead. Since whey is a fast absorbing agent, you will need casein protein. What casein does is it breaks down the protein in your body slower, which is better since you'll be in a fast for at least 8 hours which in that time the proteins will nourish your body in portions rather than whey, which leaves the body unfulfilled after its initial consumption.
Of course protein shakes are vital to success in building muscle you still need some sources from actual food. Foods that provide a great portion of protein include meat (turkey, ham, chicken, steak), egg whites, cottage cheese, milk, and even the oddest such as peanut butter. As with other needs check the labels that are provided with the food you buy to check if it meets your protein needs at the end of the day.
2. Carbohydrates: Proteins are important when building muscle... carbs are more important when you want to gain weight. I'll just jump straight to it, the big 4 when you need carbs - bread, pasta, cereal, and rice. You'll need 2.5 grams of carbs per lb this time around. After you have your morning protein shake fix yourself a bowl of cereal or oatmeal along with 2 egg whites boiled. If you have trouble finding the right oatmeal go with the costco brand ones that have generic taste, but you can add apple sauce to it to enhance the flavor if you're tired of cardboard oatmeals. People often write or advise that white rice is not a good source for "clean" carbs, but I disagree with this idiotic claim. One, the carb source is VERY rich with healthy carbs, low in fat, and little to no sugar and salt added. When making pasta or spaghetti choose meat or tomato sauce to cook em in. Don't get tempted to put in some ranch or other fatty based b.s type of sauce that will grease up the plate. Since you need more carbs than protein daily try to round it out before 8PM. I say 8 because if you're going to sleep at 10 you should stay away from carbs 2 hours before sleeping. Proteins are okay but carbs will hinder the break down process during sleep.
3. Fats: Before I go into fats I need to have myself a little rant here... When people hear the word "fat" they immediately think of it in a negative light. It is undeniably hilarious to hear the average opinion on fat or the word itself. They think fast foods or weight gain when the word comes into play.. I beg to differ. Fat is essential... I repeat essential to your diet. Without it, your diet is considered FAIL. People are so afraid of gaining fat that they avoid it as they workout which is a huge mistake because muscle strands will not have the sufficient support to hold up the protein and carbs. Think of it like this, if carbs are the bricks and protein are the builders, the fat acts as the glue or... whatever holds up bricks. (caulk?) Without fat, you lose the momentum the carbs and proteins make. By the way no matter how hard you try to deter when you are eating to gain weight you will gain some fat in some areas.. but you know what? It's okay once you gain the most muscle you can, then you can follow my fat loss diet. No matter how hard people make it seem fat is easy to shed (those who say it's hard are lazy.. there I said it) On to the ratio - .6 grams to each lb. (see how close it is to protein needs? It is a need) Now, let's see what type of fats you need. There are 4 different type of fats.
(1) Monounsaturated: Regarded as the "healthy fats" these are ones that you need to gain that healthy weight. You'll find these mostly in Olive oil, cereals, oatmeals, almonds and others just take a look at the nutrition facts on the back of the foods you eat.
(2) Polyunsaturated: A little bit is needed. Not really essential but good when mixed with monounsaturated fats. You'll find these mostly in vegetable oils and veggies in general.
(3) Saturated: These are healthy in smallest of doses, generally a teaspoon is considered a healthy amount.
(4) Trans Fat: STAY AWAY from these fats. They only lead to blood sugar spikes, heart attacks, and clogs of numerous organs. You'll find these in fast food or fried foods. You can live without trans fats, just stay away from them.

I've created a meal plan for you, but before I do there is one thing I forgot to explain. When you want to gain weight you should have yourself at least 6-8 meals per day. Impossible you say? Not quite, because you'd think I was saying sit at a table and just chomp away. Instead of that I'm saying each meal you have should fulfill your stomach not stretch it, which means eat each meal till you're not hungry. Do not eat every meal until you feel like you're about to explode. Eating like this will only lead to a big belly and a pear shaped body.

alternates included in parenthesis, essentials are made first

Your meal
Breakfast - Whey Protein shake mixed with milk (1 bowl oatmeal, 2 egg whites or bowl of cereal, 2 slices of whole wheat bread)
Snack - (handful of almonds, protein bar, or apple with peanut butter)
Lunch - Milk (6 inch. subway sandwich with your choice of toppings, turkey cheese sandwich with salad,
Pre-workout snack - Whey Protein shake (mixed with ensure shakes, bowl of mixed fruit, or almonds)
Post workout snack - Whey Protein shake
Post workout meal - Anything with sufficient carbs.
Dinner - Again this is your choice, whether it be steak with rice and veggies, Cooked salmon, steamed veggies, and potatoes, etc it is strictly your choice.
Pre sleep snack - Casein Protein shake

There you have it, but I ain't finished. This is just the rough cut. I'll update with supplements you'll need and others you'll need to avoid. Laters

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